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The MMP Blog

Where we share stories and wedding galleries from our beautiful couples, engagement photos (and adorable proposal stories), wedding planning and photography tips, and more about us!

Engagement Session in Waukesha Wisconsin
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Erica & Jake Engagement Session in Waukesha

This is an extra special one for me! Erica happens to be one of my very best friends. She and I met at UW Oshkosh, where we played college tennis together. She even had to put up with me as her doubles partner! I cannot express how happy I am that these two found each […]

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morgan madeleine

Madison, Wi Wedding Photographers

morgan madeleine

Madison, Wi Wedding Photographers

Hi! We're Morgan
and Ryan
We are a Wisconsin wedding photography team based in Madison, WI. We travel for weddings all over the world! We would love to meet you, and talk about your vision for your wedding day. Click below to check your date and send us a message! We'll be in touch with details and an option to schedule a call with us!
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We met in the news industry, and now we get to tell the best kind of stories!
Wedding galleries, venues, engagements, planning tips & more!
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wedding investment
Family Session at Aldo Leopold Nature Center

“Okay, mom and dad…Stay right there and look at me the whole time, no matter what.” “Alright boys, Simon says do 5 jumping jacks!” “Simon says shake your sillies out!” “Simon says take 5 steps toward me” “Okay, Simon says take 3 steps back!” “Simon says take 3 bigger steps!” “Simon says stand on that […]

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These two!! Whitney and Berza are the sweetest, most easy going couple! Whitney told me they love their time at home together, and there’s really no better place for that than Wisconsin on these chilly winter nights. The adorable one with the long tongue is Ruby. I just love their proposal story — Berza and […]

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CF Foundation Wisconsin Event Photographer

She takes thirty pills every day. She spends hours on a chest therapy machine and taking breathing treatments. All to keep her healthy and her lungs as normal as possible. You could hear a pin drop as her mom told her story to a group of golfers who had been there, out in the sun, […]

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Cake Smash One Year Old Photography Session Wisconsin

Olivia loves to move. She’s walking but still unstable, so she gets up, takes a few steps, plops down on the ground, and gets back up again. When she really wants to get somewhere, she crawls….fast! Especially when veggie straws are dangling from mom’s hand in the distance. I learned that Olivia is known for […]

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Engagement session at Olbrich Gardens

Michaela and Brandon’s love story began when Michaela moved into her dorm room at UW-Whitewater freshman year. Brandon lived across the hall from her. Talk about meant to be! It was so easy to tell these two were made for each other during their engagement session. If they were uneasy at all about someone taking […]

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about us

It's tough to say which one of us loves the dance floor more (Ryan won't admit it, but you'll see)

Ryan and I met through our jobs in the journalism industry. Story-telling is engrained in the way we see the world. Our own story had plenty of twist and turns that led us to where we are today, so we know how significant it is that you found each other. We know your wedding day is about more than the decor and the party - it's a celebration of the obstacles you overcame, the fate that brought you together, and the love that you will never take for granted. We are wedding photographers because we want you to have a high-end experience that honors every part of that journey, just as we would.